Sunday 24 January 2016

Semi Acoustic Guitars History

In the 1930s guitar players and manufacturers were attempting to increase the overall volume of the guitar, which had a hard time competing with other instruments, specifically in large orchestras and jazz bands, due to its lack of volume. This created a series of experiments that focused on creating a guitar that could be amplified through electric currents and out through a speaker. In 1936, Gibson attempted to make their first production line of electric guitars. These guitars, known as ES-150's (Electric Spanish Series) were the first manufactured semi-acoustic guitars. They were based on a standard production arctop and had f holes on the face of the guitar which functioned as a soundbox. This model was used to resemble the traditional jazz box guitars that were popular at the time. The soundbox on the guitar allowed a limited amount of sound waves to emit from the hollow body of the guitar, which was customary of all full acoustic models before this guitar. The purpose of these guitars, however, was to be able to be amplified from electric sound waves. This was made possible by the Charlie Christian pickup, a magnetic single-coil pickup, which allowed the sound of the guitar to be amplified through electric currents.The clear sound produced by the pickups made the ES series immediately popular with jazz musicians. The first semi-acoustic guitars are often thought of as an evolutionary step in the progression from acoustic guitars to full electric models. However, the ES-150 was made several years after the first solid body electric guitar, which was made by Rickenbacker. The ES series was merely an experiment by the Gibson company in order to test out the potential success of electric guitars. This experiment proved to be a successful financial venture and is often referred to as the first successful electric guitar. The ES-150 was proceeded by the ES-250, a year later and would foreshadow a long line of semi acoustics for the Gibson company.

In 1949 Gibson released two new models (The ES-175 and ES-5). These guitars had built-in electric pickups that came standard in their design and can largely be considered as the first fully electric semi-acoustic guitars. Prior models were not built with pickups; rather, they came as attachments. As the production and popularity of solid body electric guitars increased, there was still a market of guitar players who wanted to have the traditional look associated with the semi-acoustic guitars of the 1930s but also wanted the versatility and comfort of new solid body guitars. Several models, including the ES-350T by Gibson, were made in the 1950s to accommodate this growing demand by including a more comfortable version of the archtop model.These variations were followed by an entirely new type of guitar that featured a block of solid wood between the front and back sections of the guitars cutaway. This guitar was still acoustic but had a smaller open section inside of the guitar which makes less sound waves emit from the f hole sound boxes on the guitar. The variant was first manufactured in 1958 by Gibson and is commonly referred to as a semi-hollow body guitar because of the smaller body of the guitar. Rickenbacker also choose to pursue making semi-acoustic guitars in 1958. When the company changed ownership in 1954, they hired German guitar crafter, Roger Rossmiesl. He developed the 330 series for Rickenbacker, which was a wide semi-acoustic that did not use a traditional f hole. Rather its used a sleeker dash hole on one side of the guitar, the other side had a large pickguard. This model boasted a modern design with a unique Fireglo finish. It quickly became one of Rickenbacker's most popular series and became a strong competitor to Gibson's models.

In addition to the main model variants of the guitar, Gibson made several small changes to the guitar including a laminated top for the ES-175 model and mounted top pickups for general use on all their models, as opposed to Charlie Christian models from the 1930s. While Gibson provided many of the innovations in semi-acoustic guitars from the 1930s to the 1950s, there were also various makes by other companies including a hollow achtop by Gretsch. the 6120 model by Gretsch became very popular as a rockabilly model despite having almost no technical differences from Gibson models. Rickenbacker was also a prominent maker of the semi-hollow body guitar. Gibson, Gretsch, Rickenbacker, and other companies still make semi-acoustic and semi-hollow body guitars, making slight variations on their yearly designs.

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